
Our Mission

Since 1998 Istituto Espresso Italiano (IEI) safeguards the quality of the Italian espresso through a sensory certification

On July 6, 1998 Istituto Espresso Italiano (IEI) was founded, with the specific goal of safeguarding and promoting the original Espresso. Today  IEI is one of the most important institutions in the coffee market grouping espresso-equipment producers and roasters which develop overall €700M revenues.

 safeguards and promotes the original Espresso through a product certification (certificate of product conformity Csqa n. 214 - 24 September 1999, DTP 008 Ed.1). Each member company which complies with the certification requirements has the right to use the mark Espresso Italiano Certificato (Certified Italiano Espresso).

To guarantee consumers who choose to drink espresso at coffee bars bearing this mark, a strict technical specification has been issued, requiring the use of a certified coffee blend, certified equipment (machine and grinder-dispenser) and licensed personnel. The compliance of the three conditions above is supervised by the experts of IEI
 and by the auditors of the Certifying Body.